20 студентов забайкальских вузов пройдут практику на Удокане до конца 2019 года
29 May 2019

20 students of Zabaykalsky universities will have their internships at Udokan through late 2019

«Today, the Company is interested in engaging “new generation” workers who are able to learn how to work with computer technologies, but also have fundamental knowledge”, Olga Litvinova noted. “As part of HR training and development policy, BMC LLC will give students of Zabaykalye higher and vocational education institutions the opportunity to have their field internship at Udokan. Up to 20 future specialists will visit the site through the end of the year. They will improve their skills and gain the required expertise during the internship to become «natives of Udokan» right after finishing their studies».

Baikal Mining Company has been expanding cooperation with education institutions since early 2019. The Company has already signed Cooperation Agreements with Zabaykalsky State University, Zabaykalsky Mining College named after M.I. Agoshkov, Chita Polytechnical School. Also, the Company cooperate with Irkutsk National Research Technical University, Mining Institute of Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences and MISIS.

It should be noted that according to the forecast of Zabaykalye Ministry of Labour and Social Protection, the total population employment in the regional mineral mining investment projects will be about 17,000 people through 2025. As per BMC LLC estimation, about 10,000 jobs will appear in Kalarsky District while implementing the project factoring in related industries.

Currently, the Company’s core staff – 75% of the total headcount work in Novaya Chara village, Kalarsky District. By 2022, when the plant is put into commercial operation, the number of people, directly involved into production, will increase up to 2,500 people. While implementing the HR selection and recruitment policy in the Project, BMC LLC plans to use the available HR pool in Zabaykalsky Krai as much as possible.