On December 19 Head of Zabaikalye Region Alexander Osipov held a working meeting with General Director of Baikal Mining Company Yury Ryabov.

According to Mr.Ryabov, intensity of railway and air traffic does not currently allow to timely deliver cargoes and specialists to Novaya Chara settlement. The existing infrastructure of Novaya Chara railway station cannot provide the required delivery timeframes in case of delivery from the neighboring territories and regional centre. For example, the delivery timeframes from the regions of the Far Eastern Federal District are up to two weeks, with unloading at the station taking up from 3 to 5 days.
The distance to the nearest centres, Chita and Ulan-Ude, makes up 1.9 thousand kilometers and 2.4 thousand kilometers by railway, respectively, taking up more than 48 hours of travel, and the traffic dynamics is constantly growing. The sole major air carrier with regular Chita – Chara flights performs flights twice or three times a week, which does not meet the requirements in timely manpower transportation.
To resolve the said issues Baikal Mining Company has actually completed preparation of Chara airport upgrade project. Besides, construction of motor way from Novaya Chara settlement to the Plant`s site has begun.
Head of the Region Alexander Osipov informed about the willingness of the Government of the Region to explore the issue of enhancing the intensity of Chita - Chara air traffic as well as advancing the timelines of co-financing of airport upgrade project from the state budget. As a result, the works may be completed as early as in 2020. Mr.Osipov gave the relevant instruction to Deputy Prime Minister of Zabaikalye Region – Minister of Economic Development of the Region Sergey Novichenko.
The participants in the meeting also discussed potential foundation of North Zabaikalye territory of priority social and economic development in the area of Udokan MMP. Mr.Ryabov informed that Baikal Mining Company had already prepared the required documents and supporting materials for further submission to the Government Subcommittee on Implementation of Investment Projects in the Far East and in Baikal Region.
Mr.Osipov had earlier reported that they were working to reduce the project kick-off timelines and study potential application of Far East development mechanism to this project.