The area of the projected wildlife preserve is of prime importance for preservation and restoration of natural complexes, habitats of rare and endangered plant and animal species of Verkhnecharskaya depression and foothills of Udokan ridge.

Within the framework of obligations under the contract, the Institute of Natural Resources, Ecology and Cryology of the Siberian Division of the Russian Academy of Sciences shall sum up the archive recording, including reports on historic field work results, prepare cartographic records with a catalogue of geographical coordinates of turning points. Researchers shall provide economic and environmental feasibility study to establish specially protected natural areas, with the description of environmental conditions, flora and fauna, including protected animal and plant species; soil cover, existing conditions of ecosystems; social and economic properties of the area; paleontological and stratigraphic monuments.
As General Director of Baikal Mining Company, Yury Ryabov, stated: “Establishment of regional protected natural areas guarantees preservation of rare animal and plant species, as well as geological and paleontological monuments in Kalar District. These measures meet the requirements of the Company`s Environmental Policy: it is important for us not only to build Udokan Mining and Metallurgical Plant in full compliance with environmental requirements, but also preserve and enrich unique natural sites of Zabaikalye.” Mr.Ryabov reminded that in 2018 BMC signed environmental protection agreements with the Government of Zabaikalye Region. “We intend to meet our commitments in full,” he stressed.